Indian Pharmacological Society, West Bengal Chapter & Inovocare e-Academy welcome you to a CME event on “Doctor Patient Relationship”, on the occasion of National Doctors’ Day 2022 in India in the honour of Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy.
- Prof Apurba Mukherjee, Ex Prof & Head, Dept of General Medicine, RGKMC&H, Kolkata
- Prof Nilanjan Sengupta, Senior Consultant Endocrinologist, Prof & Head, Dept. of Endocrinology, NRSMC&H, Kolkata
- Swami Kripakarananda Ji Maharaj (Dr), Monk, Ramkrishna Mission
- Prof Jyotirmoy Pal, Prof of Medicine, RGKMC&H, Kolkata
- Prof Santanu Kumar Tripathi, Sr Clinical Pharmacologist & Dean, NSMC&H, Patna
- Dr Shambo Samrat Samajdar, General Secretary, Indian Pharmacological Society, West Bengal Chapter
- Prof T K Mondal, President, Indian Pharmacological Society, West Bengal Chapter.