The Association of Physicians of India realised the increasing needs for promotion of Continuing Medical Education Programmes and its scientific research activities relevant to the Indian Sub continent. With this central theme Indian College of Physicians (ICP) was started under the auspices of A.P.I. with effect from 1986. The first convocation of the ICP was held in January 1987.
Memorandum of Association (Indian College of Physicians) WAS THAT THE The name of the college shall be Indian College of Physicians AND The Head Quarter of the college shall be the Head Quarter of The Association of Physicians of India in Mumbai.
Aims and Objectives of this new Body are
- To organise Continuing Medical Education Programmes throughout the year in different parts of the country.
- To bring out monographs, practice guidelines, technical series report and other learning resource materials in various disciplines of medicine aiming at upgrading the knowledge and skill of medical professionals.
- To conduct Academic and Scientific Researches.
- To train candidates in various medical specialities and super specialities and award certificates by holding SHORT CERTIFICATE UPDATE COURSES.
- To confer Fellowships of the College on the basis of the principles and procedures laid down.
- To seek affiliation or be associated on reciprocal basis with national and international colleges, associations or similar bodies to achieve the objectives of the college. Hence a Global Forum for academic exchange was conceptualized .
- To generate funds to carry out the objectives of the college.

The Faculty Council shall consist of :
- Chairman – President of API (Ex-Officio).
- Dean.
- Immediate Past Dean.
- Dean Elect.
- Vice Deans – 3 (Three).
- Secretary – Hon. General Secretary of API (Ex-Officio)
- Treasurer – Hon. Treasurer of API (Ex-Officio).
- Elected Members – 10 (Ten) (Five members to be elected every year)
- President Elect of API, (Ex-officio).
- Editor Journal of API (Ex-officio).
- Nominated members –
- One Joint Secretary at the (HQ) to be nominated by the Chairman
- One Joint Secretary from the place of Dean to be nominated by the Dean. These nominees shall be from amongst the Fellows of the College.
- Invited Members – Chairman, Credentials Committee.
- The Invited members shall not have voting rights in the Faculty Council Meeting but shall be entitled to reimbursement of expenses as per rules in practice.